Birthdays, Gifts, and Choices This is the time of year when my family becomes birthday focused. It often seems like we are always moving from one celebration to the next between Christmas and mid-summer. I certainly love a good green … Continue reading
Brenna @ Almost All The Truth
“Sunny Day… Sweepin’ the clouds away… On my way to where the air is sweet…” A sunny Sunday afternoon. The sky was clear and the air was warm with just the hint of a crisp autumn breeze. The golden … Continue reading
Global Hunger You must know by now that the world has a hunger problem. Do you remember your parents telling you to clean your plate because there were starving children in Africa. That correlation really didn’t make a lot of … Continue reading
Travels and Travails of the Great Eco-friendly Summer Road Trip I learned a lot when I took my Great Eco-friendly Summer Road Trip. I learned a lot about myself, my kids, and what I believe is important in life. I found … Continue reading