Will you be turning off your screens?

TV Turnoff week 2010 begins April 19. Will you be participating this year?

American society currently has more televisions than people. There more tvs in the average American household than people. This is astounding to me. And do you know that a quarter of children under the age of two have tvs in their bedrooms? That, my friends, is craziness.

There are so many studies, and truly common sense, that tell us why watching too much tv at young ages is detrimental. For every hour of tv watched per day:

  • there is a 6% increased risk of becoming overweight, unless the child has a tv in his or her room, then the increased risk goes up to 31%
  • there is a 10% increased risk of developing attention problems like attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • children are much less likely to read at home
  • the less well they do academically
  • the less well they are socialized
  • increased aggression, heightened fear, and less empathy among children exposed to violence on television

And many, if not all, of these exist when the tv is on in the background.

For my family we do watch some television, DVDs, use the computer, and have a Wii. We limit the time they are allowed to spend on all of these things, but I think they have some value, sometimes.

I am looking forward to next week to see what kinds of creative things they can fill their time with…. how about you?

Free coffee tomorrow at Starbucks

So you may have heard by now that tomorrow, April 15, Starbucks will be giving everyone who brings in their reusable travel mug free brewed coffee (limited to 20 oz). I think that this is great. I love anything that gets people thinking about their use of disposable products.

But does this really get people thinking about their choices of reusable or disposable?

People like free. People will stand in ridiculously long lines in order to get something for nothing. People will go out of their way to feel like they are getting a good deal. I imagine that there will be a lot of people taking advantage of this free coffee offer tomorrow. Although, I have a feeling that more would if it were a free latte, but that is something else altogether.

So I want to know…

  • Are you going to get your free coffee tomorrow?
  • Do you regularly choose reusable over disposable? How about your friends and family?
  • Does this kind of event change your mind or get you thinking?
  • What can we do to change a disposable culture?


Spring Tree Project

Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!
~Sitting Bull

Spring to me means


(via flickr)




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(via flickr)





Use your imaginations for those. It’s better.

I really wanted to do a project with the kids to celebrate Spring. This is what we came up with using all found items….

We found a fallen branch walking around our neighborhood, decorated paper eggs, cut out paper birds on old scrapbooking paper, and made tissue paper blossoms. I had hoped to use a bit more from nature, but Mother Nature decided to soak everything the last few days… oh well, there’s always next year!

What do you think?