Motrin angers moms

“You’re making me maddening!”

That’s courtesy of my 2.5 year old.

Motrin has indeed made a number of moms mad all across the country with their “Mom-alogue”. I think I can see where they were headed with it, but it was poorly executed. It was condescending to moms who wear their babies and underestimates their passion for babywearing. Way to alienate a whole group of moms, Motrin!

So, what do you think?

Edited to change the link. Motrin has now removed the Mom-alogue from their site and put up an apology.

Natural gas relief for baby

So in the wake of the recent Mylicon recall I wanted to focus on some easy, natural ways to help ease gas. Some of these methods can also be used to help colic and constipation as well. First realize that most babies will be gassy from time to time, it’s just a part of the maturing digestive tract and most will be able to manage gas more easily as it matures.

Still want some help?

1) Time: For most babies this will be the most effective treatment for gas. If you can’t determine a specific cause for the gas, you will just have to wait until baby’s digestive tract matures. Unfortunately this does not help you when you are dealing with an unhappy baby. Try to remember that it will pass eventually.

2) Infant Massage: I have been learning infant massage techniques with my baby girl. I never learned much with my boys, but know a great teacher now and have been lucky enough to benefit from her expertise. There are certain strokes you can do to ease baby’s discomfort. We have been using grapeseed oil for this. I invite you all to look for an infant massage class near you. I know many hospitals have classes. Or check your local library for a book. For more information check out

3) Carries: Carry your baby in the “football hold”, with baby’s head in the crook of your elbow; drape baby’s stomach along your forearm and grasp the diaper area firmly. The pressure on baby’s tummy will help relieve the discomfort.

Or try the “colic curl”,  holding baby with his back against your chest and encircle your arms under his bum. Curl baby up with his head and neck resting against you.

Also the “neck nuzzle”, hold baby against your chest with her head snuggled up under your chin. Hum or sing to her while moving side to side. Dads can be great at this one. Their lower pitched voices can be very soothing.

4) Soothe: Rhythmic movement, soothing sounds, visual distractions, and close physical contact all might help soothe a fussy baby.

Soothing sounds can be a vacuum cleaner, bathroom fan, your singing, music, or white noise machines.

Visual distractions can be a mirror to look at themselves, silly or happy faces along with eye contact from you, lights, ceiling fans, other children, or pets.

Many of these soothing techniques can be and should be used in conjunction with close physical contact between you and baby, either being held or in some kind of baby carrier.

Please do not use star anise. It has been linked to serious neurological effects.  Mint tea should also be avoided for baby and breastfeeding mothers. Be careful about any herbal treatments. Read labels. Talk to your doctor. Be informed about anything you or your baby ingests.

Mylicon Recall: another big company putting our children at risk

About 12,000 units of Mylicon drops used to relieve gas in infants have been recalled because they could include metal. Certain bottles of nonstaining Mylicon gas-relief dye-free drops. The recalled drops were sold in 1-ounce plastic bottles that were distributed to stores and pharmacies after Oct. 5.

The recalled bottles are from lots SMF007 and SMF008. These numbers are printed on the bottom of the box and on the lower-left side of the sticker on each bottle.

The recall does not include any bottles of original infant’s Mylicon gas-relief products or half-ounce bottles of nonstaining Mylicon gas relief dye-free drops.

For information on how to dispose of the drops and obtain a refund or replacement, call 800-222-9435 or visit

I can’t believe the number of recalls that have been issued lately. This is just the latest in a string of big recalls involving products specifically for babies and children. Parents are buying this product to help their baby and what they get instead just infuriates me.