Do Not Mail Registry

It’s likely that most people have heard of the Do Not Call Registry, but ForestEthics is looking to spread the word about a new registry. The Do Not Mail Registry will not only eliminate annoying unwanted junk mail, but also curb the junk mail industry’s massive contributions to global warming and the destruction of endangered forests.

Some facts from

  1. It takes more than 100 million trees to produce the total volume of junk mail that arrives in American mailboxes each year.
  2. The manufacture of junk mail releases more greenhouse gas emissions per year than the emissions released by 9,372,000 million average passenger cars.
  3. It would take the equivalent of over 500,000 garbage truck loads to dump all junk mail into landfills and incinerators each year.
  4. The Canadian Boreal is being logged at a rate of 2 acres a minute, 24 hours a day to produce junk mail and other paper products.
  5. Junk mail in the United States accounts for one-third of all the mail delivered in the world. Even though 44% of that mail goes to the landfill unopened, we still spend 8 months of our lives dealing with it all.

Yikes! I am an avid recycler of all the junk mail that reaches this house, but even so, to know how much the creation and mailing of junk is affecting our environment to a vast majority of people that don’t want it and often don’t even read it is appalling!

As of now there are 62026 signatures on ForestEthic’s petition to create a national Do Not Mail Registry. Are you on the list?

Remembering what’s important, even when the kids are driving you crazy!

I am exhausted. Caring for a newborn is hard enough, but throw in two rambunctious boys and it’s enough to drive anyone a little crazy. My two year old is being a typical two year old I am sure: into everything! My spirited four year old is really trying my patience with some meltdowns thrown in for good measure. My newborn is having tummy troubles and not sleeping well, plus breastfeeding is still pretty painful from a bout of thrush and then mastitis.

So I read Parents magazine at a perfect time, even though I take issue with many of the articles they publish, a “Memo to Mommy” reminding us to take the time to stop and enjoy our kids no matter what kind of trouble they may be causing in the moment. Here are some of my favorite bits of wisdom from the perspective of your little one:

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“Love me, even when I’m naughty. I’ll only be this age once.”

“Be patient. I do everything for a reason, but I don’t know enough words yet to give you an explanation”

“Don’t expect too much of me. I want to do what you ask and make you happy, but I’m still little.”

“Keep your promises. It’s all about trust. When I’m a teenager, you’ll understand why it’s so important.”

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Just looking at those little faces (when they’re not screaming, crying, whining) makes me want to be a better person for them. Take more time with them. Be more creative with them. Just look what they can do:

2 year old’s picture:

4 year old’s picture:

What are your favorite things about your kids? What is your favorite thing to do with them? And what reminds you of these things when you they are making you crazy?

Source: Parents

Ecological Footprint Quiz

I saw a post about an Ecological Footprint Quiz over at The Good Human and thought it would be interesting to see how I fared. The results of the quiz let you know how many earths we would need if everyone in the world had the same lifestyle as you. I was a little surprised at my results, even though I do know that my family can do better. Lots of things that would decrease our footprint we plan to do or hope to do in the future, like a vegetable garden and composting. Some things we are not going to change in the near future, like the size of our house. Interesting to see where we compare though.

Check it out at and see what your ecological footprint is!

New greener milk jugs at Costco, etc…

Has anyone tried the new milk jugs being sold at Costco, Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club? I think the idea is great. Any green decisions made by giants like these retailers is a step in the right direction! The new shape eliminates the need for a crate, which then have to be taken back to the dairy and washed. It allows for more milk on each truck, reducing the use of fuel. The milk arrives at the store faster and fresher. And the jugs are cheaper, hooray!

The New York Times reported mixed reviews on the new jugs back in June. We got our first square jugs when we went to Costco over the weekend. They really are annoying to pour. I spill every time. I guess I need to try the slow tilt technique instead of the old lift and pour… I think it’s worth a little spilled milk to have a greener and cheaper jug!

Update: I managed to pour the milk this morning without spilling!! :)