2008 Beijing Olympics

I love the Olympics. I love the ideals of the Olympics. I love watching the sports I already know and love and learning about others.

Unity between the continents, as symbolized by the Olympic Rings, has been less than ideal. There have been boycotts, political turmoil, and violence. The Olympic motto: Citius Altius Fortius – Faster, Higher, Stronger- has been marred by doping scandals. This is all an unfortunate part of the modern Olympics that one would hope will not continue.

This Olympics is no exception. I know the Games have been controversial from the torch relay, to the heavy hand with protesters, to the air quality in Beijing. I know that all the building and expense that went into the preparations are definitely not green. I still want to watch anyway. I have to say that China did an amazing job with the Opening Ceremony, and I look forward to watching my favorite athletes and sports in the following days (well the way things are going round here lately, more like middle of the night!).

World Breastfeeding Week 2008

World Breastfeeding Week 2008 started August 1 and runs through August 7th. This year’s theme is “Mother Support: Going for the Gold”. 120 countries will participate in The World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) celebrate the signing of the Innocenti Declaration on the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding. WABA is using the upcoming Olympics to tie in their theme and hopefully to increase support for breastfeeding mothers.

In conjunction with the Olympics next August, WBW 2008 calls for greater support for mothers in achieving the gold standard of infant feeding: breastfeeding exclusively for six months, and providing appropriate complementary foods with continued breastfeeding for up to two years or beyond.

As every country sends its best athletes to compete at these global games, it is important to remind ourselves that, in a similar fashion, a healthy young athlete can only emerge from a healthy start on life. There is no question that optimal infant and young child feeding is essential for optimal growth and development.

Of course most of us in this country have heard that breast is best and all about the many health benefits to breastfeeding and yet many women still don’t have the support to develop a successful breastfeeding relationship with their babies. Breastfeeding does not necessarily come naturally. There can be numerous obstacles that can make it frustrating or painful. Without support many women might give up and I don’t blame them.

I have had three babies now. My first attempt at breastfeeding was incredibly difficult. My son was a sleepy baby and started out little. He lost a lot of weight and we had to work really hard at getting it to work. If I had not had the support from my family, doctor and a great lactation consultant, I am not sure I would have been able to breastfeed him well past a year.

My second was much easier thank goodness! Now with my third I am right in the middle of dealing with thrush. So not fun. Luckily we got to see the doctor today and will hopefully start feeling better in a couple of days and it won’t come back! I know that breastfeeding her is what is right for her, me and our family and that is what keeps me going even when I want to cry.

I wish that every woman who chooses to breastfeed her child had the support that she needs to stick with it. That can make all the difference in the world.

Here are some great breastfeeding resources:

International Baby Food Action Network (ibfan)
La Leche League International (LLLI)
International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA)
Wellstart International
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM)
Be sure to check out the resources listed on those sites as well.

What are your ideas in how to help support women who choose to breastfeed?

The reason for the slow activity here

My Birth Story:

This pregnancy was definitely an interesting one! It was very different from my two boys in general, but was also unusual in that I had an appendectomy at 29 weeks! Yeah, that was fun. After that there was such a concern about the baby coming early that waiting until my scheduled c-section at 40 weeks seemed unlikely. I had pretty frequent contractions since my surgery in May, but I just got used to them.

My husband’s main concern was being able to make it to the Oregon Brew Fest on Thursday the 24th, or the day before this little girl was scheduled to arrive. As the weeks went on and she didn’t make her appearance, it seemed he was going to to get what he wanted. The day came and he caught the bus down to the Waterfront leaving me with the boys.

The boys and I had a good day, but it was strange knowing that the next day I was going to have my baby girl. It was a really odd feeling that I can’t quite describe knowing that everything was all planned, even down to the time. I didn’t really like the idea of choosing her birthday either.

My husband got home later that evening. Some friends drove him home and came in for a minute to say hi. I had a couple pretty strong contractions while they were there, but didn’t think much of it. It kind of made these childless friends a little nervous though! The ones I had been having the last day or two were definitely getting stronger, but I knew I’d still be going in for my c/s the next day and had been contracting so long it didn’t seem like a big deal.

I had procrastinated getting a lot of stuff ready during the day (still hadn’t packed my bag or anything) and was up later than I wanted to be, but I was nervous and excited anyway making it hard to want to go to bed. We hadn’t even fully decided on a middle name since I was not sure anymore of our original choice. I did go to bed around 11ish or so figuring I had plenty of time in the morning since we didn’t need to go to the hospital until 10:30. I had a couple of pretty strong contractions again and DH made a joke about the baby needing to wait until tomorrow since he needed to sleep after drinking all that beer.

At about 1 I was having enough strong contractions that there was no way I was sleeping. They were about 5-6 minutes apart. I decided to go downstairs and finish watching So You Think You Can Dance. I was hoping the contractions would stop and I could get back to sleep. That was one nice thing I thought about having a scheduled c/s was being all nice and rested when you go in! Well after a couple of hours, I decided that maybe I should call the hospital since the ctx were just getting stronger. Of course they tell me I have to come in! For some reason I was thinking that maybe they wouldn’t..

I had to call my mom to come over and watch the boys. She of course had stayed up late too thinking she could sleep in in the morning. Then I went and woke up DH and told him we had to go to the hospital. He said, “Why?” I told him I was in labor! I took a quick shower, which felt nice, got dressed and by then my mom was there and we were off!

When we got there I had to be put on the monitors and was given some pain meds and terb to slow down the labor. It didn’t help much so the OB came in and off we went to the OR. She got stuck in traffic, so it was a little later than they had wanted, but we were fine. It was really strange having a c/s being as lucid as I was. With the boys I had been in labor so long, I was really out of it. They did all their stuff and got me ready to go and before I knew it they had already started. Baby Girl was born at 9:09am and was 9lb 7.5oz and 19.75in. and just perfect. I was so glad that in the end she really was meant to come on her birthday and her name suited her perfectly.

Baby Girl was born a week ago today and things are going pretty well. The boys love her, although their biggest complaint is that she sleeps too much! She has really just fit into our family like she was supposed to be here all along. It truly is amazing.

Robeez giveaway

Go ahead, just try telling me you aren’t excited about this giveaway! One lucky reader will win a pair of their favorite pair of Robeez of Clementine NW’s in stock styles. Click here to see all of the available styles for girls and boys!

Robeez are soft sole shoes are perfect for baby’s first shoes. Recommended by podiatrists and pediatricians as the next best thing to bare feet for learning to walk. They are great at keeping on socks and providing extra protection for baby’s feet while allowing for healthy foot development.

How to Enter:

  1. Check out all of our Robeez and leave a comment sharing your favorite style. One comment per person.
  2. Earn an extra entry by making any purchase from Clementine NW.
  3. Earn an extra entry by blogging about this giveaway with a link back to this post and leaving a link to your blog in your comment.

Who Can Enter:

Any resident of the United States over the age of 18, except for anyone responsible for this blog and giveaway (me).

Additional Rules:

  1. Contest begins now and ends at 11:59pm PST on July 31, 2008.
  2. You must supply a valid e-mail address.
  3. If the winner does not respond with mailing information within 5 days an alternate winner will be chosen.
  4. Winner will be chosen at random and notified on August 1, 2008.
  5. Your privacy is very important to us. Your e-mail address will never be used in any way except to be notified if you are the winner!

Good luck to you all! I can’t wait to see what styles are the most popular!

This giveaway is now closed…

And the winner is Teri Meairs! Congrats to Teri!