The loss of a baby

Photo via Flickr

It is just not fair for someone to lose a child. That should not happen… and yet it does. Without sharing too many details, a wonderful woman, wife, and mother (along with her husband, daughter, and family) has had to experience this tragic loss. Yesterday she lost her beautiful baby girl.

For anyone out there going through a similar tragedy, Earth Mama Angel Baby has put together a great page of resources for grief support. If you are a parent, grandparent, friend, relative of an angel baby I invite you to explore those resources here:

I will never understand why something like this happens, but what I can do is try to prevent it from happening to someone else…

I have just learned that April 24 was SIDS Awareness Day and even though we missed that there are still ways to help and many resources to explore at the American SIDS Institute. There are so many things that we can do to reduce the risk of SIDS, but we still don’t fully understand everything and unfortunately won’t be able to prevent all SIDS deaths now, but we can work and hope to try and eliminate SIDS deaths in the future.

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