What if you had to KEEP all of your trash?

SARAH CYNTHIA SYLVIA STOUT WOULD NOT TAKE THE GARBAGE OUT Shel Silverstein – 1969 Luckily people do not generally have the waste building up in their homes that Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout allowed. Although, wow those parents must have been … Continue reading

Simple steps to reduce BPA exposure: new study shows we can make a difference

We now know that BPA and phthalates are all around us and in us. We know how harmful they can be. So what can we do about it?

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Are politics valued more than children’s health?

Wait… Don’t answer that. I don’t think I really want to know where our legislators, and society by default, see the greatest value. Actions speak louder than words. To me, and to countless other parents, the choice to NOT act … Continue reading

A Mother’s Day for change

My kids are still little. I am not sure they really understand the concept of Mother’s Day at all, which is really fine by me. I suppose that makes it all the more easier to shape it into something that … Continue reading