This is what has been coined for February 10, 2008. I am still far from understanding exactly what the CPSIA is going to entail, but the more I learn the more concerned I am. For all of us. Big, little. WAHM, CEO. All manufacturers of children’s products no matter the size are going to be hit incredibly hard. All retailers that sell children’s products no matter the size will also be hit hard. I think that the smaller businesses will likely not survive this. European companies may choose not to sell in the U.S. as Selecta has already done.
There are a great many people out there writing about this. Whether you can believe everything you read is something else altogether. This is not a fight against the big manufacturers/retailers. This is absolutely not a fight against strengthening our laws to protect children from harmful products and substances. We need to believe in the products we buy for our children. I am convinced this is not the way to go about ensuring product safety.
On December 10, members of the sub-committee will meet to review implementation of the CPSIA. If your representative is on the sub-committee, it is imperative that our voices be heard. Here is a link for suggestions for talking with your representative. Remember that we all want safer products for our children, we just don’t want anyone going out of business needlessly.