Summer is here, activities for babies

It’s official. It’s summer! And it actually feels like summer here the past couple of days. I even had to break out a fan the other night for the boys’ room. Luckily my kids aren’t really at an age when they get bored easily, but it can still be hard to come up with ideas for fun things to do, whether or not they are all that creative. Sometimes even taking the time to do something simple can be the most fun! Here is a list I have accumulated over the last year or so… Enjoy!

Fun For Babies:

  • Blow Bubbles- love the Gymboree bubbles, they last and last!
  • Peek-a-boo- use your hands, a hat, a scarf or blanket
  • Finger Puppet play- use stickers on your fingers if you don’t have traditional finger puppets
  • Sing songs- especially songs with hand or body movement, like “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”
  • Go for a walk- point out fun shape, colors, animals
  • Read a book
  • Dance- while singing or to a CD
  • Roll a ball back and forth
  • Play with pots and a wooden spoon
  • Play with texture- a small paintbrush, a loofah, a silky scarf, etc.
  • This Little Piggy
  • Put safe objects in a drawer or cabinet to play in- just watch those fingers!
  • Stacking games- boxes, measuring cups
  • Massage
  • Flying Baby- for when baby can hold her head up by herself
  • Balance Ball- put baby on his tummy and gently roll back and forth
  • Flashlight Fun- turn out the lights and shine flashlight where baby can see it, older babies can chase the light
  • Check out storytimes at your local library or bookstore.

But the best thing to remember about playing with your baby is to have fun! Get excited, talk to her about everything, reward her with lots of smiles and enjoy your baby. This is just the start, what do you love to do with your baby?

Tomorrow we’ll talk about activities for toddlers and up…

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